Urban / City

We, mankind have shaped our world, we have built apon it structures, buildings, roads, infrastructures, huge cities. We have shaped its lands and part of its oceans rivers and mountians, we have left our mark across her continents. Our vision and ingenuity has allowed us to build what we can imagine.
Cities and urban environments from my view......

"Dunny" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Ghostly Going's on" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Behind the Scenes" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Whitehorse" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Voted in" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Behind Bars" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Tick Tock; Times Up" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Cavern" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Vee" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"TowerBlocks" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Yell owe" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Washday" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Rennie" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"I see the Moon" Edinburgh old town Scotland

"Walk with me" Glasgow Scotland

"Weird Science" Glasgow Scotland

"Runway" Glasgow Scotland

"Transendance" Glasgow Scotland

"Clydeside" Glasgow Scotland

"Landed" Glasgow Scotland

"Day's Gone By" Glasgow Scotland

"Armidillo" Glasgow Scotland

"Beam me Up" Glasgow Scotland

"UFO" Glasgow Scotland